Monthly Archives: August 2009

Beware the Sleeping Tiger (chinese proverb)

Monday’s news bulletins relating the latest hullabaloo about cows attacking dogs and humans who approach their calves, reminded me of an incident that did this old heart good.

It was a summer’s day, around the turn of the century (the one just gone) when L and I watched and wondered why the cows at the back of the house put a bit of a spurt  into their usual ambling pace, gathering as if in conclave, in a far corner of the field.

Still novices at rural living, every new occurance was of great interest and this gathering of the clans, albeit of the bovine sort, had us watching and puzzled.  The length of a protracted coffee-break passed before the bulky, clustered circle split; cumbersome frames pushing and shoving for leg-room to turn and peel away one-by-one, back to the day-job of serious grazing.

Soppy parents still (great-grand’s actually) we oohed and aahed as a new mother raised herself from the ground to lick clean and fuss over the raggedy, prostrate form.  We were ridiculously pleased when the new-born showed signs of life  and it was probably naive of us to be so  surprised that the herd had rallied round as if to stand guard;  it was after all, the most vulnerable of times. We had often quoted  ‘nature takes care of its own’  but until that day we never quite knew how.    

I shall never understand why unthinking people who let loose dogs and themselves on young livestock, are so  indignant and surprised that they spurr the most docile of creatures to the fury of  a tiger when its young are threatened.

We shall have to spread the gospel of No Petting, No Patting !

Do you want the play area extended to provide for 7-14 year olds?

It has been suggested to the Parish Council that the play area is extended to cater for the 7-14 age group. Is there any interest in such an extension?  What are the issues?   What do you think?   Please use this forum to comment and also vote in the poll below, which will end on 30th September.

Would you welcome an extension to the play area to provide for 7-14 year olds?

  • Yes (71%, 5 Votes)
  • No (29%, 2 Votes)

Total Voters: 7

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Village Greens

You will notice that one village green now has new posts. At some time in the near future, the large village green outside The George will also have new posts and any volunteers would be most welcome (contact Dot Griffin on 310249). The chains which have been removed are in storage and the old posts will be chopped up and distributed amongst the volunteers.


Following a discussion at the recent Parish Council regarding this matter, contact has been made with Environmental Services 0845 6053014. We are advised that in the first instance it is possible to swap any small brown bin (140 ltr) with a large bin (240 ltr). Secondly, it is possible to purchase a further large bin for a one off payment of £34.95. Brown paper sacks are also available at a cost of 50p each from the Council offices in Leek. All will be collected on the day allocated.

Village Post Box (also: Road safety concerns throughout the village)

Following a plea from residents, we would like to ask that Parishioners cease the practice of mounting the pavement in vehicles to post letters without actually leaving the vehicle. This is outside Hambleton House and the Old Post Office. Apart from the fact that the pavement should not be used as a public highway, we are concerned about the safety issues, particularly when young children are regularly using the doorways and will be unaware of such dangers. Thank You.

(Admin:  Title changed from “Alstonefield Village Post Box” to “Village Post Box (also: Road safety concerns throughout the village)” on 30/8/09 11:20 to reflect the development of the thread. r.)

Anybody recieving………..

Digital TV or DAB radio via an ariel ? If so, via which transmitter ? Also looking for a good local installer (one who uses a meter would be a good start!!) I’ve tried a DAB ariel (5 element) down here in Hopedale and can pick up National BBC stations, but that seems to be about it.

Lode Mill

Hi Folks, congratulations on a super website, just discovered it through ‘Park Life’. I will use this forum to let you know what is happening to Lode Mill, currently restoration of the interior is on hold until we resolve our bats issues, the valley is a home to Daubentons, Pipistrelles and Brown Long Eared, seemingly quite a thriving community, and one or two resident in the mill. According to the Midland Wind and Watermills Society Lode Mill is one of very few left in the country with a working interior, and to their knowledge the only one with a drying kiln in the middle section. This appears to have been added later as the centre door has been lowered sometime, you can see this from the riverbank path opposite as the lintel has been lowered.
We would be interested to have any information from residents about its history. I propose to invite people to an open day once the interior is made safe, which will be a while yet.
Jim Campbell