St. Peter’s Church

Welcome to St Peter’s Church page.

People have gathered to worship at St Peter’s Church, Alstonefield for over a thousand years and continue to do so today.

If you would like to know more about our services, please visit the St Peter’s page on “A Church near you website”

St Peter’s Church, Alstonefield, Nr Ashbourne, DE6 2FX

The Benefice of Alstonefield, Ilam & Wetton

Vicar:  Vacancy

Tel:                Email: 



Churches are Open for Public Worship, Private Prayer & Visitors

Wearing a face mask is no longer compulsory, you are welcome to wear one at a Service in Church. Please sanitise your hands.  Please stay at home if you have tested positive for Covid, or you are feeling unwell.  

The Church of England states that Holy Communion can now be received in both the Bread and Wine

We have start receiving the wine, the Blood of Christ at Communion Services.  It is now possible to receive Communion in both kinds: the Body and Blood of Christ, the bread and the wine.  If you prefer to continue to receive only the Bread that is still an acceptable practice, and it remains your decision.

Church Services: Dates, Times and Venues

Details can be found on the A Church Near You website: use link below

Link to St Peter’s Church – Alstonefield

During the various lockdowns in 2020/2021, some of our services were held online:

Please click the following links for previous online YouTube services:

Songs of Praise Service for Sunday 12 July 2020

Songs of Praise Service for Sunday 5 July 2020

Songs of Praise service for 14 June 2020

Pentecost Sunday

Seventh Sunday of Easter 

Sixth Sunday of Easter – Nurses Day Service

Fifth Sunday of Easter Service

Fourth Sunday of Easter Service

Second Sunday of Easter 

Easter Sunday Service

Good Friday Service

Maundy Thursday Service

Palm Sunday Service

Mothering Sunday Service 2020

Safeguarding Policy*

Safeguarding Policy

*Please note we are currently reviewing our Safeguarding Policy to ensure it remains fit for purpose.

Peak Pilgrimage

St Peter’s Church is on the Peak Pilgrimage route between Ilam and Eyam. The Pilgrimage is described as ‘ A soul restoring walk through the Peak Park’. For more details click here

Alstonefield Memory Days

Would you like to remember a dearly loved family member or friend in a rather unique way? Alstonefield Memory Days offers a way to do just that. Please contact Carrie Osborne (01335 310453) or Marion Beloe (01335 310253) for further details, or pick up a leaflet in church.

Major Repairs to the Church Tower

The essential conservation work on the church tower has been completed. For more information click here


Our Church costs £43 every day to maintain. If you would like to make a donation towards this, please use the link below:

Thank you.

Also,   if you are interested in family history and have roots in Alstonefield, you may be interested in purchasing the full database containing all headstone & memorial inscriptions for £6. Please go to our Family History and Headstones pages for more information.  In addition the PCC has launched the Friends of St Peter’s Alstonefield group to foster links outside the Parish, which you can join for £10 per annum.

Burials and Funerals

St Peter’s Church is your Parish Church.  If you have any questions about burials or funerals, please check our Burial and Funeral Policy, and / or contact the Vicar or Church Warden.

Other Groups within St Peter’s

St. Peters is fortunate to have an active team of Bellringers, who meet on Wednesday evenings.  Volunteers from the community form the Clockwinders Team, who not only take turns to wind the clock, but keep us entertained at Christmas.

Full Peal of St Peter’s church bells

Lichfield & Walsall Archdeaconries Society

Alstonefield, Staffordshire

St Peter
Sunday, 22 May 2016 in 2h47 (10–3–10 in G)
5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
Cunecastre, Carlisle, Netherseale, Bourne, Norwich, Ipswich, Cambridge.
1David L Towell
2Matthew Lawrence
3Gail K Lawrence
4Stuart C W Hutchieson (C)
5Timothy M Davis
6Andrew C Ogden


We also have a Flower Rota. There are still spaces available.  Please sign up by phoning the co-ordinator, Ann Colclough on 310477

Boiler House & Oil Tank project – Autumn 2015

The boiler house (asbestos) roof was removed in September, as were the old, rotten, wooden doors. Whilst the roof was off, the old oil tank was removed and a smaller, double bunded tank lifted into place. Thanks to Mike Griffin for his invaluable help. Alliance Technical then replaced the roof with fire retardant cement sheets and installed two new metal fire doors. The church is grateful for funding from the Leaden Boot Committee, which has contributed significantly to these improvements. As the new oil tank takes up a fraction of the space of the old one, we now have a large storage space to use as well!

Next project (ongoing) – installing a toilet in the south porch


St. Peter’s Quiz Answers (click to view)

Friends of St. Peter

Parochial Church Council

Tower Restoration Project

Water Project