Monthly Archives: September 2009

Unsung Heroes

It’s the early hours. As one particular village machine is causing a sleepless problem, I resort to another machine and review the village website and notably the forum. I don’t have Eileen’s erudition, nor the wit to conjure up phantom airships, and the first day of school sadly belongs to a bygone era. We hold our hands up, and wonder why on earth we felt it was OK to drive onto a pavement to post a letter. And yet some posts have left good people feeling unfairly criticised.

Written words have a perculiar power that can make or break depending on how they are read. Take an innocent invitation – one popped through my door makes me feel warm and fuzzy and yet one displayed on someonelse’s mantlepiece taunts me. Am I the only person in the village not invited? What’s wrong with me? I wail. Daft isn’t it! We can’t invite everybody to everything. Then I remember how I swanned on my sofa for a month after an operation while my lovely new neighbours cleaned, washed, ironed and made cakes…good job too as I had so many visitors to feed. Then Brian was so ill and even our lawn was tenderly cared for. Every newsletter carries invites and thanks from one caring set of neighbours to another.

We live is a very special place, but that takes many good people to volunteer for jobs the rest of us would not want to do. Sleep will probably elude them too. So to all you unsung heroes – and heroines ‘Thank You’.
G’night all.

Working Party at Church

We want to black lead the iron grids which cover the heating system in Church and paint the front gates of church. It is not heavy work and we hope to be able to black lead the ironwork outside to reduce any mess made. If you can help, please come along on Wednesday and Friday evenings, 16th & 18th September, from 6.30 – 8.00 pm. Thanks.

Millie, George and Daisy’s First day at school

How quickly time has passed!!!! It seems only yesterday when these little people were being introduced to their new community and already they are moving on to (slightly) larger pastures.

All the children appeared to forget all of their worries when they met up with their peers at Ilam and soon (too soon), also forgot about their parents. Tears were shed, but none by the children!!!

As I waved goodbye with quivering lips I remembered the saying ” give your children strong roots and wings to fly”. The strong roots are given by the safe, nurturing environment we strive to give our children so they feel secure and confident when they begin to ‘leave the nest’.
The wings we must allow for them to find themselves but hopefully with gentle guidence, respect and responsibility they will develop a passion for life and a sense of purpose.
So maybe one day these little fledglings will one day fly, but hopefully we will have given them strong enough roots to come back and share their wonderful  life experiences with us.

As a community we all help in providing this secure and nurturing environment and I thank you all for being part of their lives.