A reminder to all that if we use the recycling containers on the playing field car park, this brings income to the village. This year we received £312.83. So whever possible, please use this facility. Thank You.
A reminder to all that if we use the recycling containers on the playing field car park, this brings income to the village. This year we received £312.83. So whever possible, please use this facility. Thank You.
Maureen – can you tell us which type of recycling brings in the most money? I only recycle paper at the car park, but use the door-step service for bottles etc. If I thought it was worthwhile I would take my grey bin round to the car park every 2 weeks rather than leaving it for collection.
This raises the question: why do we have a grey bin collection when (I assume) most of us were/are prepared to go to the car park recycling?
I would prefer to forgo the grey bin completely if it meant this would enable the brown bins to be collected weekly instead of fortnightly.
Our brown bins get pretty smelly in the hot weather, not to mention full up…
A note to advise on the breakdown of the monies received from recycling. Paper £107.77. Glass £167.28, Textiles £10.80 and Plastic bottles and cans £26.98.
The question regarding grey bin collections is possibly a matter for discussion at the next Parish Council meeting.
I agree with Richard-S. We only use our grey bin for storing garden waste which will not fit in the brown bin so that we can take it up to the car park on a Sunday morning.
Hi this is RobH, just wishing to add that last sunday, one of the blokes with the lorry at the car park asked what was in my wheelie bin. I told him garden refuse and he wanted to know why I didnt use the fortnightly collection service and that it was a waste to mix it with the general refuse going into the lorry. I said Idid use the fortnightly service but that at the moment I had more garden waste that one wheelie bin a fortnight. Didnt there use to be a big lorry on sundays just for garden waste? What happened to that? Or if the collection service dont want me to use the Sunday lorry then please can they do a weekly collection of brown bins or replace my grey bin with a second brown one; that would work for me
I agree completely with all those who want a weekly brown bin collection and to dispense with the grey bins. One problem though is that the plastic container in the car park only accepts bottles and cans. That means we have nowhere to put our plastic food containers, margerine and yoghurt tubs.