Long to ‘Rain’ Over Us
We awoke on Sunday 3rd June to pouring rain and winter temperatures, but unperturbed by such frustrations, and cancellation never being a consideration,a quick decision was made to move the Street Party to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee into St. Peter’s Church. The community put up union jack flags over the pulpit and tower, attached balloons to the pew ends and put tables down the aisles. In little more than a couple of hours, the Church was transformed. At 2 pm. the procession of floats started from under the bunting on Post Office Road, with a proliferation of umbrellas, wet frocks, towels and much frivolity and celebration. The floats were highly impressive, amongst them the older childrens’ ‘Diamonds are Forever’, the Dance Group’s 1950’s tea party and the young childrens’ Kings & Queens in the tower.
We all warmed up in the village hall to admire the’ Portraits of a Queen’ Exhibition and then walked over to the Playing Field car park for the Jubilee Tree dedication. The Church was warm and welcoming, and after an incredible amount of food had been laid on tables, the proceedings began with the National Anthem accompanied by the Ashbourne Town Band. The young Kings & Queens paraded, commemorative mugs were awarded, jubilee cake was cut, toasts were made, and a fantastic time was had by all. A presentation was then made by Noel Peat of two cheques, each for £2250, from last week’s Leaden Boot Challenge. Dorothy Critchlow for the Village Hall and John Reavy for St Peter’s Church received the money, which was more than they originally expected. The evening finished with a Thanksgiving Service led by our own Anne Ballard. Many thanks to everyone who helped to make the day so enjoyable, despite the weather! See pictures of the day HERE.
Community Tree Planting & Jubilee Tree
With the aim of creating a Woodlands area for the benefit of the community next to Greenhill Mere, the 105 trees supplied by the Woodland Trust were planted on 25th March by volunteers from the community and the Jubilee Tree planted in the playing field car park. Many thanks to all those who came along.
Our contribution will be recorded in a document to be kept in the British Library and presented to the Queen. The Woodlands Trust have sent us a thank-you and further information about the project that can be viewed by clicking Jubilee Woods – Happy New Planting