Author Archives: brian_hawkins

Best Kept Village Competition

Should we enter the competition this year?  If you live in the Parish, why not have your say by voting in the poll below, which closes on 12th March. We would also like to hear from anyone who would be interested in co-ordinating the village’s application, either this year or in the future, should we decide to enter. Please leave your comments here or contact the Clerk on 310146.

Should the village enter this year's 'Best Kept Village' competition?

  • Yes (50%, 2 Votes)
  • Don't mind (50%, 2 Votes)
  • No (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 4

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Website Bugs

Following the unplanned upgrade to WordPress ver. 2.9 a number of features have broken. This is partly due to plugins which aren’t yet 2.9 compliant and partly due to customisations which must be reapplied.

Please respond with any additional problems you encounter.

Known bugs:

1. Users online (bottom of home page) not working FIXED
2. Contact Us – – form broken FIXED
3. User registration – I think there was an image on the registration page… can anyone remember what it looked like?
4. when a user logs in after first registering they are thrown into the registration page rather than the home page. If they logon from the sidebar on the home page they stay on the home page.

Lode Mill Surveys

Hi everyone. You may recently have noticed some activity at Lode Mill by people in yellow jackets. This is because we have to undertake an archaeological survey for the Peak National Park as part of the planning application. In February we will also have a survey of the mill workings by The Midland Wind and Watermills Society. Once these are prepared I will send a copy of each report to the Parish Council to include in their archive, and by then I should be in a position to host the documents on as well, including a pictorial review of the mill interior.



Alstonefield Parish Council would like to thank our Lengthmen for the great work undertaken throughout the year in maintaining our beautiful village.

Thank you also to all who assisted in replacing the posts around the village greens. Another job well done…

Speeding in the Village

Following some lively debate on the website Forum, this issue was discussed at the last Parish Council meeting, both during the public forum and the meeting itself. There had been suggestions that the speed limit through the village be lowered to 20mph, however it was concluded that such a move would be unnecessary and we would not in any case meet the criteria for a 20mph zone. It was decided that the main objective should be to ensure that drivers keep to the existing 30mph limit and the Community Police Officer will be contacted for advice and with a view to enforcement.

Parking Review

Various proposals were put forward and accepted at the last Council meeting on 30th September which include increasing and improving the signage around the village to encourage visitors to use car parks and not to park unsafely, inappropriately or on verges. Car park security will be reviewed in conjunction with the implementation of this project. The proposals now have to be costed and appropriate bodies such as Highways and the Police will be consulted, therefore please do not expect a ‘quick fix’. In the meantime, a suggestion from a Parishioner that notices be placed in the public toilets advising of alternative car parks, will be actioned.

Parishioners may also be interested to know that the Honesty Box in the Playing Fields car park is working, with over £50 having been collected in the 6 weeks to end September.

Beware the Sleeping Tiger (chinese proverb)

Monday’s news bulletins relating the latest hullabaloo about cows attacking dogs and humans who approach their calves, reminded me of an incident that did this old heart good.

It was a summer’s day, around the turn of the century (the one just gone) when L and I watched and wondered why the cows at the back of the house put a bit of a spurt  into their usual ambling pace, gathering as if in conclave, in a far corner of the field.

Still novices at rural living, every new occurance was of great interest and this gathering of the clans, albeit of the bovine sort, had us watching and puzzled.  The length of a protracted coffee-break passed before the bulky, clustered circle split; cumbersome frames pushing and shoving for leg-room to turn and peel away one-by-one, back to the day-job of serious grazing.

Soppy parents still (great-grand’s actually) we oohed and aahed as a new mother raised herself from the ground to lick clean and fuss over the raggedy, prostrate form.  We were ridiculously pleased when the new-born showed signs of life  and it was probably naive of us to be so  surprised that the herd had rallied round as if to stand guard;  it was after all, the most vulnerable of times. We had often quoted  ‘nature takes care of its own’  but until that day we never quite knew how.    

I shall never understand why unthinking people who let loose dogs and themselves on young livestock, are so  indignant and surprised that they spurr the most docile of creatures to the fury of  a tiger when its young are threatened.

We shall have to spread the gospel of No Petting, No Patting !