Monthly Archives: February 2013

Introduction of a Pre-Planning Application Advice Service to replace the Planning Duty Officer Service at PPNPA

The Peak District National Park Authority have changed their previous policy of having a duty planning officer to answer your questions regarding planning within the Park. From 18th February , the ‘drop-in’ Duty Officer will no longer be available. In place of this, the Peak Park has introduced a Pre-Planning Application Service. Further details will be published in the Spring edition of Park Life magazine and also via the web pages on the changes which are available from the website at:

if you have any questions, please contact either, or me on

Liz  – Clerk to Alstonefield Parish Council

Vehicle Broken into in Alstonefield

Message from Neighbourhood Watch:

Between 10am and 3pm on Sunday 3rd February a Citroen Zsara parked on a car park off Lode Lane in Alstonfield was entered by smashing a rear nearside window. Stolen was a black leather shoulder bag containing spectacles and store cards. Please be aware that this may be the start of further vehicle crime on car parks at Moorlands beauty spots. The police at Cheadle and Leek ask that you keep a watching brief when in these areas for any suspicious person or vehicle in and around parked vehicles and report it immediately.


Ken Rickard
Neighbourhood Watch Manager
Neighbourhood Watch
Tel: 01785 232938